4/5 Year Old Program

Our children in the four/five year old class attend four half-days per week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. This program incorporates aspects of the fours program while fostering greater social-emotional independence and focus on topics and activities more appropriate for older preschoolers. While attending four consecutive days, children practice diverse social skills such as cooperation, collaboration, interactive play, leadership development, and positive self-esteem. Academic learning is naturally embedded in the daily routine with an emphasis on child-led play and exploration. Children must turn 4 by Jun. 1 prior to enrolling in the fall.


Weekly themes

Each program consists of its own weekly theme, so that your child has something new to anticipate with each coming week.


Hands-on activities

Our activities are designed to keep your child engaged, whether it’s learning how to write the letter of the week or memorizing a song about the seasons.


Our Philosophy

Learning is a natural and ongoing phenomenon, which emerges as we interact with and respond to our environment. As young children play, they develop strategies and form relationships that enable them to create a world that makes sense.


+$100 one-time enrollment fee & $250 yearly fundraising goal (per family) *see Parent Hub for more information

Classes held M/Tu/W/Th 8:15-11:00 am

Children must turn 4 y.o. by June 1st prior to enrolling for the fall


4 Year Old Program


Two's Playgroup